The 3D Amperometry Window

The 3D Amperometry window displays a sample's 3D_Amp data, which is collected using an ICS-3000 ED or ICS-5000 ED electrochemical detector in integrated amperometry mode.

Use one of the following methods to display 3D amperometry data:



A real-time plot of the 3D amperometry data can be displayed online during a run. See  Controlling Devices from the Control Panel for more information.


The window is divided into several display areas. The main area in the lower right displays the raw 3D amperometry data. The area above the 3D data displays a chromatogram of selected data. The area to the left of the 3D data displays an I-t plot (current vs. waveform time) of selected data.

You can use several methods to select the data displayed on the plots:

To select various plot options (for example, to switch from integrated to raw data view), select Decoration from the View or context menu.

For more information, refer to:

Display Areas

 Data Selection


 Analyzing 3D Amperometry Data.